PHS Commits

Ponder, TX – Excitement filled the air at Ponder High School on Thursday, February 15, 2024, as three outstanding student-athletes officially sealed their commitments to college teams. In a proud ceremony held in the high school cafeteria, Jo Stehlik, Cashous McDonald, and Collin Ussery signed their letters of intent, marking a significant milestone in their athletic journeys.

Jo Stehlik, a powerhouse in the world of powerlifting, inked her commitment to Missouri Valley College. Known for her dedication and relentless work ethic, Stehlik has dominated the high school powerlifting scene and now looks forward to continuing her athletic career at the collegiate level.

Joining Stehlik at Missouri Valley College is Cashous McDonald, another formidable force in powerlifting. McDonald's raw strength and determination have earned him numerous accolades during his time at Ponder High School. With this signing, he solidifies his place among the elite powerlifters and sets his sights on making an impact at the collegiate level.

Meanwhile, Collin Ussery, a standout football player, will be taking his talents to Hendrix College. Ussery's exceptional skills on the gridiron have garnered attention from college scouts, and his commitment to Hendrix College represents the culmination of years of hard work and dedication to the sport.

The signing ceremony was attended by proud family members, coaches, teachers, and classmates, who gathered to show their support for these exceptional student-athletes. Ponder High School Principal, Chris Jones, expressed his pride in the achievements of Stehlik, McDonald, and Ussery, highlighting their commitment not only to athletics but also to academic excellence.

As these student-athletes prepare to embark on the next chapter of their athletic careers, they carry with them the spirit of Ponder High School and the lessons learned both on and off the field. Their dedication, perseverance, and passion serve as inspirations to their peers and a testament to the strength of the Ponder community.

With their signatures on paper, Jo Stehlik, Cashous McDonald, and Collin Ussery take a giant leap forward towards realizing their dreams, and Ponder High School eagerly anticipates watching their continued success at the collegiate level.