UIL Realignment Announcement

Ponder High School Prepares for New UIL Alignments in Key Sports

Ponder High School's athletic teams now know who their opponents will be in the coming years the University Interscholastic League (UIL) announces its latest realignment for the 2024-25 and 2025-26 seasons.

The realignment, which categorizes schools based on enrollment sizes and geographic locations, places Ponder High School's volleyball and basketball teams in 3A-District 10. Here, they will compete against familiar foes including Boyd, Callisburg, Paradise, Pilot Point, Valley View, and Whitesboro.

In a notable shift, Ponder High's football team moves to Conference 3A Division I, District 4, pitting them against teams like Bowie, Boyd, Iowa Park, Paradise, Peaster, and Vernon. 

This new alignment promises some exciting matchups. The Ponder community eagerly anticipates the upcoming seasons, ready to support their teams in these new challenges.