The Lion Advisory Committee with Dr. Thompson

The Lion Advisory Council (LAC) gathered on Monday to engage in a meaningful discussion about the the "Ponder Brand" and the essence of what it means to be a Ponder Lion. Comprising 8th through 12th graders, the LAC serves as a vital bridge between the student body and the administration, and their voices resonate strongly within Ponder ISD.

The meeting, led by Superintendent Dr. Jeremy Thompson, provided a platform for students to share their ideas and concerns about their school district. The LAC plays a pivotal role in ensuring that the student perspective is heard and considered in the day-to-day operations of the district.

Dr. Thompson expressed the significance of these meetings, stating, "I am so excited to get to work with the Lion Advisory Council. We do what we do in Ponder ISD for all students and we need to make sure that they have a voice in the experience.  These students are the heartbeat of our community, and their insights  are crucial. We want our students to have a voice in shaping their educational experience, and the LAC allows us to do just that."

The Lion Advisory Council meetings are set to continue as an ongoing initiative, ensuring that there is an avenue for two-way communications between the student body and the district leadership.