Tax Impact

Tax Rate Impact in Ponder ISD
The graphic below illustrates the potential impact of the Ponder ISD VATRE election, based on the corresponding district tax rate if the election is successful and the proposed tax rate is approved. The proposed tax rate has been applied to two scenarios for comparison purposes: one is on a household of "average" taxable value in Ponder ISD (as certified by the Denton Central Appraisal District), and the other is on a generic $100,000 of taxable value within our district.
Important points to note:
The Ponder ISD tax rate for 22-23 will decrease for the coming tax year (compared to last year) whether the election passes or not. However, the actual amount of tax levied (or actual taxes due) for each property owner is ultimately dependent upon the total appraised value of the property in question.
Each qualifying residence is now eligible for a $40,000 homestead exemption.
School property taxes are frozen for homeowners who qualify because they are disabled or age 65 or older. Their taxes can go down, but not up. Therefore, if you qualify for the exemption for age or disability, your taxes will not increase if voters approve this VATRE.