Ponder Elementary School Registration & Pre-K Applications

2024-2025 School Year

New students, please bring the following items:

  • Birth Certificate (original certified copy)

  • Social Security Card

  • Current Immunization Record

  • Report card from previous school if applicable

  • Proof of residence (utility bill, lease agreement, closing papers)

*Kindergarten students must be 5 on or before September 1, 2024

Returning students please bring the following:

  • Proof of residence (utility bill, lease agreement, closing papers)

  • updated immunizations


What is the criteria for admittance to the PK program?   

  • Child will be 4 years of age on or before September 1, 2024

  • Child is a resident of Ponder ISD

  • Child meets immunization requirements and at least one of the following:

    • be unable to speak & comprehend the English language; or 

    • be educationally disadvantaged (eligible to participate in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP); or 

    • be homeless; or

    • be the child of an active duty member of the armed forces of the United States, including the state military forces or a reserved component of the armed forces, who is ordered to active duty by proper authority; or

    • be the child of a member of the armed forces of the United States, including the state military forces or a reserved component of the armed forces, who was injured or killed while serving on active duty; or

    • have ever been in conservatorship of the Texas DFPA (foster care) following an adversary hearing; or

    • is the child or a person eligible for the Star of Texas Award as:

      • a peace officer under Section 3106.002, Government Code; or

      • a firefighter under Section 3106.003, Government Code; or

      • an emergency medical first responder under Section 3106.004, Government Code

Various documentation is needed to verify qualifications.

For more information, contact the school office at 940-479-8230.